Write & Reward NFT


Postovel = Erotic Story, Romance & Erotic Novel In Fiction & Non-Fiction Community

We believe that everyone has a story (Erotic Stories, Romance & Erotic Novels) to tell. Whether you're an aspiring writer, a seasoned author, or simply someone with a passion for storytelling, this is your canvas. Our vision is to democratize storytelling, providing a stage for voices that deserve to be heard, stories that deserve to be told, and dreams that deserve to be realized.



Username & Name

When you create an account on postovel.com, you’ll have a ‘username’ and a ‘name’. Your ‘username’ is what identifies your account with postovel.com and is unique to you. Your ‘name’ is your author’s name for your profile. Your series novel will be marked under this (author’s) name. 


Profile Picture

Your account will start out with one of our default profile pictures (tilted G), but you’ll be able to change your profile picture. Your avatar should be clear and visible at a small scale. Your image should be sized at 128x128px in JPG, PNG, or WEBP format. 


Wallet Address

You can see your total page's hit-viewed info on your profile. Upon reaching the page viewed for a reward (payment), you can inquire about your reward (payment) by 'withdraw' on your profile page. To receive NFTs, we need your wallet address for Airdrop of NFTs. All our NFTs were minted on 'OpenSea.io'.



You can choose to create your story in parts or in full, and with as much or as little detail as you'd like. Many writers like to publish their stories in parts, as this allows them to gain great feedback from readers along the way. You will be able to publish stories once your email address has been verified. A few quick tips: 

Adding a image cover

Adding a cover to your story helps to personalize it and encourage users to read it. You can only add JPG, PNG, or WEBP format and an image file size must not exceed 490KB (approx. 0.5MB). We recommend that all images be JPG for best results.


Adding previous page(s) link at the bottom of page

We are trying to reveal each author’s post on the main page as much as possible. For achieving this method, we have displayed the author’s latest work as a top readable posting on the main page. Thus, we recommend you put the link(s) of your previous pages at the bottom of the posting page.



Keywords help your novels more discoverable. Put 1 ~ 3 keywords as you submit your posting.


Dark mode

We do not offer dark mode. We recommend using the 'Turn Off the Lights' web browser extension if you prefer dark mode. The 'Turn Off the Lights' extension perfectly works on postovel.com. 


Safeguarding Your Precious Literary Creations

At Postovel.com, we take the security of your authored content seriously. Every composition within our platform is shielded through the implementation of features that disable mouse dragging and the right-click function. As you craft your posts, you can conveniently employ the 'Ctrl+V' shortcut for effortless content pasting, ensuring your work remains secure and intact. Your creativity deserves nothing less than the utmost protection. 


Make Your Story As Complete

When you've finished writing a story, you can mark it as "Complete" to let others know that your story has ended if it is a serial. This can help you reach a wider audience, as some users prefer reading completed stories. It may also make your stories more discoverable, since stories can be filtered by a "Completed" status in the search bar. Publishing your first story is a very exciting accomplishment. 


Following Other Users

Following your friends, other authors, and readers is a great way to stay up-to-date with their activities on postovel.com. Visit their profile and click the Follow button underneath their names to be notified of new stories they start and announcements they send out to all of their followers. You can unfollow a user at any time by clicking the same button.



Users on postovel.com share their thoughts with the author or other readers by leaving comments on their stories. By commenting, you can connect with readers and creators over the stories you love. You can delete comments on your stories or comments you have left on other stories at any time.


Earn NFT, each NFT = 1.0000Pnft

As your total page view meets the withdrawable number, you can withdraw NFT(s). The rate of payment (NFT Airdrop reward) is db0.1000 per 1,000 views. You can withdraw as your total pages hit db1.000. Each NFT is db1.0000 = 10,000 total pages viewed.

Reward by Postovel NFT (Pnft)

Withdrawal Reward NFT Minimum Withdrawal Amount
Postovel NFT Collectible 1.0000Pnft

NFT Reward Rate

Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Worldwide 0.1000Pnft

About Postovel NFT

➟ Postovel NFT (Pnft)

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